student with farm drawing

Lincoln Elementary is so proud of Kate Mabry from Mrs. Quanstrom’s third grade class for winning the annual Ag in the Class placemat contest. 140 entries were submitted for this fun contest with the theme of, “What Does Agriculture Mean to Me?”

Kate’s placemat was selected for “Best Use of Theme”. Kate was honored at the Princeton Chamber of Commerce's Salute to Agriculture Breakfast for her design and hard work. Way to go, Kate! What an amazing honor!

Pictured with Kate is

Layla Stinar! She won "Best of Show" and is a fourth grader at Malden!

We are so thankful for these incredible partnerships with our community and the opportunities that they present to our students!

Special thank you to Jodi McMillan (also pictured with Kate) for bringing this opportunity to students at Lincoln and for our monthly Ag lessons! What a great community we live in!


