Logan Junior High Student of the Month

Reuel is an exemplary young man. He is kind, willing to go out of his way to be helpful, and is a tremendous role model. He is involved in many different activities within the school. You can count on Reuel to show up and give his best effort with everything he is involved in. He is very punctual to class, he stays focused on the task at hand, and he reaches out to help other students whenever he can. He gets along with everyone, and has a positive attitude even if it is not in his favor. Reuel is a top notch student and an overall great kid.

Ellie consistently demonstrates kindness toward her peers, and always has a smile on her face. She is joyful and is always willing and intentional about helping others around her. Ellie volunteers her time as a manager and serves in many roles within student council. She makes great choices when nobody is watching, showing her integrity. She is prompt and arrives to class on time with a great attitude, and is quick to say hello to make others feel comfortable. Ellie has had a tremendous impact on so many at Logan, and we are excited to celebrate her as our October student of the month!

Leena goes above and beyond to complete every task with intentionality and great effort. She works hard to help others and asks if anyone is ever in need of assistance. Leena remains focused and ready for whatever task is in front of her. She is persistent and will work until a task is done, never giving up before it's been completed. Leena is always kind to everyone, and always has a smile on her face each day. She is willing to help any student, regardless of differences that exist, and remains friendly and positive throughout. She is genuine in her interactions, and is a natural leader, as well as a nurturer at heart. Leena has had a tremendous impact on our Logan community, and we are excited to celebrate her as our November student of the month!

Nolan brightens the classroom every single day! His kindness and willingness to help others sets an example for everyone around him. Whether it’s lending a hand to a classmate in need or sharing an encouraging word, Nolan shows us what it means to be thoughtful and compassionate. He keeps his composure when things get challenging at school, and remains hard working and caring throughout. He’s always the first to offer a helping hand, and is often seen smiling and making others around him feel considered. He is intentional in his support of other students, and truly makes a remarkable impact on those around him, as well as our Logan community as a whole. Please join us in recognizing and celebrating our December student of the month, Nolan Matlick, for the outstanding young man that he is, and what he means to Logan Jr High.