
In 2023, the Princeton Elementary School District #115 Board of Education adopted an e-Learning plan that was approved by the Regional Office of Education and the State of Illinois. The district can potentially utilize up to five e-Learning days per school year on days where inclement weather prevents students from attending regular classes. Unlike traditional snow days, these e-Learning days will not be made up at the end of the school year. At the early elementary level, e-Learning will consist of pre-made packets of work that were sent home for all students during parent teacher conferences in October as Pre-K thru Fourth Grade students do not take chromebooks or iPads home with them. Logan Jr. High students, who do take chromebooks home with them each day, will be assigned work directly from each of their instructors via Google Classroom.

If the District opts to use an e-Learning day, notification will be sent out via email and text message as well as being posted on this website, our Mobile App, and Social Media platforms. Parents of Pre-K thru Fourth Grade students will need to email their student's teacher or contact them through one of our messaging portals such as Seesaw or Class Dojo by 10:00am in order for the student to be marked present. Those students will then have a full week to complete the packets and return them to their classroom teacher. In order to receive full credit for the work and be marked present on the e-Learning day, students must return packets within 1 week. If you have any questions about the packets, please contact your student's teacher via email, Seesaw, or Class Dojo on the e-Learning day. Early elementary teachers will be readily available and will respond by the end of the school day. Parents of Logan Jr. High students will receive more information regarding attendance and due dates as e-Learning days are utilized. Attendance at Logan will be collected via Google Forms sent out thru TeacherEase.

The Pre-K thru Fourth Grade packets that were sent home are available to download below along with a brief summary video for each of the 5 potential e-Learning days. To download packets or view these videos, please select the appropriate grade level link below. Videos will not be available for viewing until the associated e-Learning day has been announced.

You can view our Regional Office of Education approved eLearning plan here.